cleverKM - Information Management!
the new generation of Knowledge Management is here!
Save all your important infos securely on a central place! On your personal Harddrive or USB Stick or where you want it. Save articles, blog entries, bussiness infos, health care documents, License keys, Contracts, any kind of documents ... just all at one single place.
Get a free License Key now (Valid for 30 days!)

cleverKM - your personal Information Management
Bring the light into darkness! Save all kind of informations on a single location. With a a few clicks, you transfer any kind of information like articles or blog entries in your personal knowledgebase. No matter if you find them in the internet or a magazin. Save your tim. Find all informations, even after years in a few seconds. cleverKM is relaxing your brain!


Save all kind of information secure an on one single place
Do you have a profession or hobby where information is important? Than you should install cleverKM now - an you will never ever have to search for the essential information found 2 Month ago. In the cleverKM Database you will find artivles, sample code, tutorials or whatever information is important for you in some seconds. Because infrmation is only valuabel if you find it again. Be clever (KM) - NOW.
Health care - your and your family's health is important!
You don't like to have all important health care information saved on a server in the internet? Why should you? Just use cleverKM an all health care information, such as doctors letters, wie Befunde, Arztbriefe, X-Rays, surgery reports ans so on is stored securely on the place of your choice. cleverKM crypts your data with advanced tecnologies if you set a password. And cleverKM has enought space for your hole family and even for your friends. Stay healthy!

Keep your License Keys secure
Are you happy about your new and super fast Computer or Notebook? Do you have all your license keys handy to install all needed software? With cleverKM this is no problem! All your license keys can be stored in one place. Even the key of cleverKM. cleverKM runns 10 Days for free after every fresh installation. So you can easely access all your keys.
Save important Contracts and Documents securely
You have a good insurance? You pay every month the rates? And now you need your insurance! With cleverKM you find the contract and all the small written things in it within seconds. Save your time, nerves and money. Save your important documents secure and on one single place and you have everything right on your fingertips.


Store Bills and Letters
If you run a business 8at least in Germany, you have to store all letters and bills for several years. But also for your private things this is just very convinient. Store your letters and Bills in your cleverKM database, and you will always have quick access to them.
What else can be done with cleverKM?
Here are some hints: Cooking recipes, code of practices, meeting protokolls, informations about books, good places to travel, travel hints, historical information, ideas, good restaurants, Informations about healthy food… you know more? cleverKM will store it for you. You should definitely use cleverKM- right NOW!
* = All prices include tax..
Some hints for search Engines and so on:
- The full english name of cleverKM is: cleverKM clever Knowledge Management